Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Is the way we as women view ourselves really shaped by the media such as models, actresses and others in the public eye, or is bueaty determined by your dress size? For me not one day goes by where I'm not considering my weight and size and wishing I was smaller. It's sad but I trully feel cloths look better on leaner bodies, but this is the era we live in....


  1. That is so true! the media "forces" the skinny type of body. I believe most of us have thought at some point that we ought to be thinner, regardless on how we look. But, I also think that this campaign misleads and promotes the obese type, which I don;t think is healthy either! Great topic btw :)

    1. Thanks for commenting yerina, I will add you to the blog's I follow. At some point we have to reach a happy medium of what a healthy body image look likes, not anorexic thin or largely obese. We should focus more on health, reprogram our minds and our body will follow.

  2. Hunny you look georgeous the size you are. if everyone was thin we would not be living in a real world.
